Hot Flash The author invites you to join him as he explore hot flash through excerpts and short stories. Thrusted in fear and scarcity hot flash challenges readers pride as they seek relief from their anxieties, discomfort an agony.
The impact of its attention is beyond anything one can experience.
Finding that place to cope is still a challenge. As one deals with the cycle of hot flash.
Soft Cover $6.99 E-Book is $3.99 Purchase on Amazon HERE

Good JuJu Now that one is living in Prosperity one is experiencing good vibes.
Good JuJu connects with one's sensual feelings and sexualities. It's through one's connections which one experiences the full pleasure of spirit, mind and body.
Through successfully navigating prosperity, one identifies with real self while helping self learn to love self and others through their struggles.
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The Roads to Prosperity This book was birthed out of discovering and exploring the Palmetto Trail, which is right off his property between Pomaria, South Carolina, and Prosperity, South Carolina. It has nothing to do with the pursuit of wealth, power, nor prestige, but it has everything to do with allowing oneself to connect with God's creative beauty along the road to Prosperity.
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Discovering Prosperity challenges readers to journey with Jerry through poetry, romance, and every day activities. Discovering Prosperity is a moving venue along the Palmetto Trail in South Carolina whereby extraordinary adventures feed into wholesome living as family, friends, various civic groups/organizations all share unique moments and ideas referenced in this book. While it is a starting point in expressing one's real self, it also connects with one's sensual and romantic experiences.

The Lane's Family Treasures
Through unseen circumstances a forced journey took place. As the heart yearned for what was taken away a new life emerged in a new land and a family history was shared.
Like any traditional family each member brings their unique gifts and graces. Through each uniqueness one’s contributions to family are made known. How one navigates uniqueness comes with success and failure.

New Wave Leaving home for the first time to serve one's country was met with excitement and disappointment. Being an overachiever in career and overly trusting made one vulnerable to deceptive. The combination of being an overachiever and overly trusting created a roller coaster life style.
Charting through what appears to be endless struggling and stumbling upon new ideas for a better life. Among the uncertainties of life yet meeting genuine individuals who served as role models that mentored one’s life and ushered in a new era giving new meaning with a new horizon, ideas and energy which fostered success.
Soft Cover $6.99 E-Book is $3.99 Purchase on Amazon HERE

The Wall Around the Forest. The author metaphorically invites the reader to journey with him and explore the uniqueness of the characters which are beckoning to be identified and give them the credit to come alive amongst us. Inside the wall around the forest are unique resources that are waiting to come alive. Understand this... every element within the forest is usable... until it gets out of control.
Over time, disgrace is recognized; the acts of reparation, forgiven, and in quarantining, the evolving beauty of surrendering is attained.
Soft Cover $6.99 E-Book $3.99