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The Spirit Unbroken – October 5, 2024

by Jerry L Lane (Author)

5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars    3 ratings

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“Miss Bennet, the US Constitution you've been talking about and painting as flawless is nowhere near that in practice. The US Constitution is ‘dirty.’” These were the bold words from Maya, an eleven-year-old girl, during Miss Bennet's first history class at her new school. Miss Bennet is initially shocked by Maya's audacity to challenge what she considers the supreme law of America.

For the rest of the week, Miss Bennet is consumed with disgust, anger, and disbelief over Maya’s statement. She resolves to enlighten Maya, convinced that the girl has been misled about the true history. However, events take an unexpected turn as Maya proves to be resistant to Miss Bennet's attempts at persuasion. Instead, Maya continues to unearth forgotten, ignored, or intentionally obscured truths, creating friction between her and the students who side with Miss Bennet.

Undeterred, Maya becomes increasingly vocal, determined to spread the truth about historical connections and the impact of the white race on other nations throughout history. The pressures mount as Maya turns into a crusader for the truth among her classmates.

How far will Maya go in a strange land, doing what is not traditionally expected of a young girl? Will her end justify her means? This intriguing narrative explores Maya's journey as she strives to keep her head above the tumultuous waters, standing firm in her convictions.

The Spirit Unbroken

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